Glad to hear that the rack is working well.
It looks as though you have hooks of some sort round back to hand the straps on? I don't recall noticing that before.
I've taken to doing what I've seen Steve Adelson (@LeeVatip) does, i.e. keep the strap on the Stick. Logically it seems like if would make getting 'into' the strap more awkward, but that's not what I find in practice.
SteveS wrote:
Apparently when the loop started taking the weight, the cams had nothing to keep them firmly against the sides of the Stick and it fell forward. The little cross-bar keeps them from falling forward should that ever happen again.
In a way my ultra simple 'loop of rope & two hooks' Stick holder works on a similar principle to your fall-back safety measure. With my loop, the weight of the instrument tensions the loop, the top chord of which (i.e. the bit between the hooks) is across the front of the headstock.