NS-specific instructional material?
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Author:  Oceans [ Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

Yeah, I also kinda need to "legalize' the NS at music school. I need gary to come and do a master class! But the first thing I had to do was make the damper fret more normal to play. I just added i tiny wood thing to keep the damper in place and feel more like anormal fret, super easy. But then I need to think if all tapping or a more hybrid approach is acceptable (academic wise). I think as a hamonick spellcaster that all tapping via the NS or 10 string classic should fly... I have them at school but I not sure if they accept for like class and stuff... any thoughts

Author:  Oceans [ Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

And apparently english is my second laquage. I from india originally

Author:  Oceans [ Tue May 20, 2014 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

Ok, here is the basic idea.

\ NS in guitar tuning. R.H Chord shapes that are "comfy" first and probably not 4 note chords. Staying on the top 4 or 5 highest pitched strings, mostly top 4. Sounds easy right, well I got to get a system down. I am willing to trade sick voicings and stuff more ergonomically nice shapes.
Due to the more bass like position(horizontal) this is a key to note.

I think I tatsu may have some shape ideas, but no finger twisters ok, this is for on the fly fast improv.

Guitar resources are ok but really don't fit the NS ergonomics, so when peeps tell me just get a guitar book that has some use but the frets are way wider on ns as you know so...


Author:  Oceans [ Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

Hey, so does anyone want to collaborate on a virtual ns chord book? I would use the guitar tuning. And yea I know the guitar books are there, but not that useful really cause they are made for a small neck. And also the lower ns notes mean I dont really want to play like 6 note chords anyway

The basic trip I am on is very easy and ergonomically comfortable shapes. The goal is kinda like bar chords where you can just quickly change chords without any thinking or "fingering thought". Also the open strings, a huge thing as ya'll guitarist know.

Well I am working in it and any ideas would rule.

I am going for pretty much for the finger style charlie hunter "attempted style". Or like joe pass with that tradional approach but with tapping stabs and the whole hybrid slap/strum stuff.

Also keller williams / hedges is an ok example of what mean.

SO, its a hybrid approach building off the killer guitarist but suited for a space age 8 string ns.and playing to its strengths and not trying to re-do what guitarist do but take a page from that book you know..

Author:  sagehalo [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

You Stick folks sure do look after one another!

That's "We Stick folks". You are one of us now. ;)

Author:  Oceans [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

Ok, so here is a proto chord chart, haphazardly named [color=#BF0000]"satan" but turned out to be just that, ha.which is just showing the A and B parts. I realize there are no repeats or any correct chart things going on. However, to me you just read it like a book and thats it. And then for reference you know there are 2 separate progressions.. Yeah really basic, and I would put the chord graphs on this chart above the chords too. I know there are tons of variants so my way would just be what feels comfy or likable.

So as a rough draft chart, could you theoretically slowly work out this progression with your own style of fingerings and voicings? And yea I made this as a challenge for myself, hence the title.
*And I realized I spelled evilily wrong, but the disco in 4/4 is correct. any bpm.
also- in case you don't know me or my humor I never mean to offend anyone. I throw around words like satan an unholy like swear words. Ok

Also I just suggest a way to play(in your own interpretation of course) but it seems fair enough.
I mean some esoteric composers/friends would say things like " play bass like a vomiting pig". Well to me that means just ridiculously grinding technical madness, but to another they think umm ok, to me that makes now musical sense but then as long as they try its all good. It could sound like a low b string sliding up and down with a pick. I Just like the idea of a visualization I guess.
Of course traditional music writing has alot of amazing and expressive things within the notation system. Like how loud or soft to play and so on. I hail that and aim to learn more...

Make sense? Or what you think, remember this is not how the final chart would look! There would be the graphs above the chords too. Damn this is probably so basic but Im zonked so,,,

Oh and the other chart is more normal. Called "mc fusion". Named after a drive thru joint that serves 70's vinyl instead of food. Does this one look decent, besides not conforming to normal notational standards.

Guitar intervals tuning is the feature but damnit I love all fourths too. I just re-tune sometimes so its no problem. I just find for solo hybrid playing the guitar tuning feels right for me. And thats coming from a former bass player, never guitarist! Weird huh[/color]

Author:  Oceans [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

Heya, did anyone check out those charts?! If you can make a track with them I will give you bonus uber karma points available to spend this lifetime.
I know these are some big chords, anyone up for it.... :D

Author:  Oceans [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

Jahplet, you are summoned. I know you don't puruse the ns section here. You can do these charts I know. Peace

Author:  Oceans [ Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NS-specific instructional material?

I am looking for a easy lil animation music video thing. Like to show a fretboard and have bouncing dots to each note. Or chord shapes above my head when I play an example. Is that kinda clear? Remember this is a ghetto operation and I just want like 1980's technology to do simple moving graphics. Notation not needed but that kinda program you know. What software is around for mac that is either free or cheap. I have done stuff in imovie but there is a better way. If you want more explaining I can. Basically whatever greg did is a more advance version of what I seek. Thanks

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