2 New from yours true
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Author:  sagehalo [ Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  2 New from yours true

For strumming purposes I tried Kashmir. I don't know what possessed me to try to sing it too.

After that, I thought my soloing could use some work. So I went bluesy with it.

Also, I might have a teacher guiding me through the choices. If you know, you know.

Thanks in advance for the listens.

Author:  Jayesskerr [ Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 New from yours true

Awesome, sounds Like lessons with Steve Adelson, eh? Cool!

You were already light years ahead of me, looking forward to hearing where you go next!

Author:  mike kemp [ Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 New from yours true

Hi Sagehalo. I admire the song choices as they are definitely a challenge. The first one I was unfamiliar with, but the second I know of old but never tried on the Stick. I personally feel you could achieve Kashmir without strumming, though it was a cool technique The bass line could be played with just the left(the root/octave prevails through the song) while the right makes the chord adjustments with melodic embellishments to add the flavor you are doing with the right hand. I know I can never quite get this part right myself, but steady rhythm plays a big part. I salute your playing and singing and assume that made keeping the rhythm steady difficult.

Very nice effort. I enjoyed listening.


Author:  earthgene [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 New from yours true

I enjoyed this Dan. I always enjoy seeing you pick away at new tunes, very inspiring.

Do you have a looper? Maybe that Kashmir bit could be looped? I recall that joe Conti did a pretty rad cover of Kashmir - it was pretty cool. Thanks again for sharing.

Author:  sagehalo [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 New from yours true

Thanks guys!

@Scott: I am jealous of your practice time, and like your choices. Don't kid yourself, there are some things you do on Stick that I can't do yet. I also know the burden of being able to shred on a different instrument. Cat's out of the bag on working with Steve.

@Mike: Yeah, singing over this is like a 3rd hand playing a different rhythm, especially in the verse. Thanks for the comments.

@Gene: I have no looper. A looper might make it easier, but I have trepidation and hesitation about getting and using one. If I use it, can I hit the triggers without hiccups? If I use it, how much of what I am doing is live music? I like songs where you can tell repeated portions are not identical. It keeps the music more vibrant for me. I'm glad you like to view the progress.

Author:  Jayesskerr [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 New from yours true

Steve A does a pretty cool version of Kashmir; I only heard it over Skype during out lessons, but I know Steve would rather play it himself in real time rather than loop or trigger.

Loopers ARE, however fun practice tools, especially if you are working on your improv/soloing over grooves that are kind of tough... That's how I use loopers, anyways.

I've developed a lot of practice strategies over the summer. I've really managed to shave a lot of time off of the learning process, and kind of standardize it for myself. Putting it into practice, getting ready for Interlochen. Being able to learn and assimilate new material on the fly is critical...

Daniel, it's clear you have been playing for a while - keep on rocking, man!

Author:  piratebruce [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 New from yours true

Hi Dan, I think we are talking to the same guy!
Aint no sunshine is a good one to learn, I play & sing it live now and people generally dig that tune , its a bit of a classic.

I've seen the Guru With Kashmir and have not really tried it out much yet but that inspires me, awesome track and a different way to attack the STICK which is cool.

On loopers I've been thinking about it , maybe one of the TC Ditto's as a simple entry point but I'm pretty happy with what I am doing now, at some of the Nights I play at there are a couple of Girls With guitars that are all over the looping thing, impressive, but I should probably just stick with the straight up freedom of playing right now. Cheers B

Author:  Jayesskerr [ Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 New from yours true

I think that the Stick is it's own looper; we can self accompany. Guitar does a lot of things well, but the stick was designed for self accompaniment. Loopers are fun to mess with, just to quickly hear what two parts might sound like for reference while you are working them out. At the end of the day though, adding tech like loopers to adept playing might really open up some new ideas. Anything could happen, eh? I guess it depends on the vision of the musician!

"Ain't no Sunshine" was an important tune for me to learn on the Stick. I had never really played it before, but there are some things I really liked about it. I learned, and continue to learn a lot from this song. It's one of those tunes that was the perfect level of difficulty that came along right when I needed it. It helped that I liked how it sounded... It gave me an ongoing "win" when I really needed it. And, it's something to come back to... From what I have seen this tune seems to be a positive one for the Stick.

Having tunes that make sense, and that are able to be completed are really critical to succeeding at any instrument. It's not fun sounding like dogshit...

Again, good Job Daniel! Keep 'em coming!

Author:  Skydiver [ Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 New from yours true

Hey Daniel.

You inspire me!

You've come a long way since we met at FHA 2014.

And I see that you have joined the ranks of the other smooth head stickists... :lol:

Keep them coming!

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