What's your "style"?
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Author:  DavidWS [ Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

Lee Vatip wrote:
BTW.....there's a cool book called "The Great Jazz Guitarists" with 347 listings from Wes and Django to Metheny and Martino. I'm honored to be the lone Stick player covered in the book

Is that the Hal Leonard one by Scott Yanow

I found several books with that same title (or very similar).

Author:  Lee Vatip [ Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

Yes, that's the book. Little bios on each player. Being included in a book covering Wes, Django, Metheny, Martino etc is an honor I will always cherish, especially playing this amazing instrument .

Steve A

Author:  Seestick [ Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

The band I'm in plays covers of videogame music and this spring I decided to transition from playing guitar to stick. So a lot of my playing was first just filling in my guitar role. However now when our bass player got a baby, roles have been switching from song to song and sometimes even in song sections.
This has been specially interesting switching lower register, melody and chordal roles with the keyboard player. Honestly, when playing with the band today I feel more like a keys player but with more touch expression than I've ever felt on keys.

Author:  baggetthouse [ Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

I play solo, but only out of necessity.

13 years ago my wife and I decided to immigrate to Canada and raise our three kids in a small town surrounded by a beautiful valley. We are a 45 minute drive from a nearby city with other musicians and music resources. But the logistics for me to be part of an ensemble just ain't there.

I miss the comaraderie, energy, and synergy of being in a band. But over the last decade, my solo act has moved to new levels, being that it's all I have.

Hope to have the best of both worlds again some day!

Author:  ClausRogge [ Thu Aug 03, 2023 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

I'm the bass player whose right hand adds some chords and an occasional solo in a trio that plays original tunes and standards in fusion style. The other two are a guitarist that leans toward Holdsworth and a drummer who provides the "Rock" in Jazzrock. Tunes we play include Wayne Shorter's Footprints and Speak no Evil, Miles Davis' Portia, So What, and All Blues, Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage but we splatter all these tunes with our Fusion soup and have great fun. Still looking forward to our first gig, my two buddies are not all that keen on playing live, they're 20 years younger than me and have jobs and one of' em has kids (unlike grandpa here).

Author:  AnDroiD [ Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

ClausRogge wrote:
I'm the bass player whose right hand adds some chords and an occasional solo in a trio that plays original tunes and standards in fusion style. The other two are a guitarist that leans toward Holdsworth and a drummer who provides the "Rock" in Jazzrock. Tunes we play include Wayne Shorter's Footprints and Speak no Evil, Miles Davis' Portia, So What, and All Blues, Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage but we splatter all these tunes with our Fusion soup and have great fun. Still looking forward to our first gig, my two buddies are not all that keen on playing live, they're 20 years younger than me and have jobs and one of' em has kids (unlike grandpa here).

Usually the other way around the young bucks wanna do gigs and the old git is saying, "Only if you carry my amps!"

Author:  ClausRogge [ Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

AnDroiD wrote:
Usually the other way around the young bucks wanna do gigs and the old git is saying, "Only if you carry my amps!"

Well 20 years younger'n me means they're approaching 50 so "young bucks" may not be the proper description :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  grozoeil [ Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

I think my style reflects my 30 years journey as a music addict :
- i like "contemporary" jazz as it is played by european musicians (well mainly). Think about ECM records.
- i'm a huge metal music fan since i'm 14, so i guess 33 years of repeatitive listenings leave some traces. But i never thought about playing such a music. The music i play and write sometimes has, i think, the scandinavian flavour i love so much in the music i listen daily. Think about bands like Ulver, Opeth, Katatonia, Tiamat (and the godfathers Black Sabbath).
- i had also a huge interest in dark ambiant music as defined by a swedish record label, Cold Meat Industry during the 90's Think about bands like Raison d'Etre and Arcana.
- speaking of ambiant music, i love the musicians who have a pictural way of playing music. And guitar players such as David Torn and Eivind Aarset or in a relatively closed style, singer David Sylvian, have been like major milestones for me.
- as a stick player, i listened a lot to stick masters and the sonic worlds they developed had a huge impact on me : Jim Lampi, Greg Howard, Ron Baggerman who was my first teacher, made me realize what you can do with the stick. Another stick player to mention as songwriter is Alex Nahas.

So i guess i would like to see the music i play like a blend of all those artists, even if i will never reach 10% of their respective talent and creativity.

Speaking of the music i play, i first learnt to play cover songs, but always with a twist (i don't like the idea to cover a song exactly as writen), and i have a repertoire of nearly 50 songs ready to play in clubs and bars. But i quite never do that because i honestly don't like it very much. I prefer to write my own music and sometimes play it in front of an audience but i don't do it very often (maybe 5-6 times a year). Quite often, i'm asked to play some improvised music for class dances with a percusionnist, and i like this kind of gigs very much as it's very challenging (and exhausting as well)

Author:  WerkSpace [ Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

Experimental. 8-)

Author:  Brett Bottomley [ Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your "style"?

grozoeil wrote:
Another stick player to mention as songwriter is Alex Nahas.

I fully agree Alex is an amazing stick player (Greg also loved his playing and musicality)

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