what do you do for a living beside chapman stick
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Author:  klothos [ Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

Im a working bass player/vocalist (sometimes keys)

Author:  rclere [ Sun Dec 25, 2016 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

For 36 years, I have been practicing Oriental Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, teaching qi gong , meditation and mindfulness.... It has been a real blessing stumbling on to something, where even today, I marvel and ask, "oh! I get to do this again today!!!!!!! And the music /ChapmanStick connection has been an added blessings. To see patients during the day, then to get to play music in the evenings or on the weekend is incredible. Deeply grateful.

Author:  bassmonk [ Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

I'm a puppeteer! Touring shows mostly all over Scotland, plus workshops in schools. (Am I the only puppeteer on here?) Also I teach a bit of art and technology in my kids' school (sometimes drama/music when there's a play in the works) and I have various roles organising church worship and arts events which usually involves some tech/PA, also going out and playing for different churches and stuff. So it's quite a mixture, though all broadly related.. I try to avoid IT if I can! :lol: So not a pro musician as such but it contributes to my living in various ways and I'm really grateful for that. Not a Stickist yet either - still awaiting my Railboard - but I'm close enough to feel part of things!! We'll see where that takes me..! (Now wondering what creative possibilities could come of combining puppets and Stick......)

Author:  ReyStick [ Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

CNC machine tool mechanic. Specializing in Haas and Doosan machine tools.


Author:  Per Boysen [ Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

Media composing for production music libraries (using also, el cello, alto flute, tenor sax and all kind of guitars). Web mastering for a few clients. A few guest lecturer as classes now and then, but since I haven't put out a new book in six years now this is a fading work sector. Another dying work sector is music magazine editing and free lance writing; two of the most prominent mags just went out of business here (Sweden this is) cutting off a big trunk of my income. I have taken to repair these fading cash flows with playing outdoors free stick concerts where I sell CDs, so the trend for me is that I'm becoming more and more stick oriented.

Author:  Alain [ Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

I'm 65 since September and "officially" retired but I don't like to do nothing. Of course, music is still a huge part of my life but I do plenty of voluntary work to help others. When I'm in Canada I go to a church basement (no, I'm not a Jesus where meals are prepared for unfortunated people. Now that I'm in Dominican Republic for a couple of months, I'll start January 11th to give some free music lessons to a group of youngsters in a new school dedicated to Cabarete. I can give lessons on guitar, bass, bit of piano and cello. Many guitarists can do the job and the woman who was giving cello is gone lately. The timing is perfect for me to start. It's so rewarding to do this. Don't think I'm'm not at all. I'm just ok to live well.

Author:  Scott Ernest [ Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

begin again wrote:
Scott Ernest wrote:
I'm a full-time Metal Artist. I used to be a full-time drummer. I wanted to be a Doctor but didn't have enough patience.

very cool!
question how does one learn to do minor utility (I, funny coincidence...STICK) welding.

It would be very convenient for me to be able to do some basic welding in the same way a home workworker could make 2x4 and plywood furniture

Try your local community college. They usually offer great courses.

Author:  Bing [ Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

Elementary School Principal :shock: . Formerly a music teacher, formerly a SPED teacher, formerly a bass player.

Author:  WerkSpace [ Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick
begin again wrote:
question how does one learn to do minor utility (I, funny coincidence...STICK) welding.

It would be very convenient for me to be able to do some basic welding in the same way a home workworker could make 2x4 and plywood furniture

Author:  Chrispfingers [ Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

IT/AV Support Technician at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Mainly based with Health and Social Care students....


All sorts of jobs, while my attempts to make a living out of music were pursued... :)

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