what do you do for a living beside chapman stick
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Author:  Thomas_Powers [ Sun Nov 11, 2018 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

+1 for the IT side of things

I own a cybersecurity firm that specializes in banks, credit unions, and healthcare.

Author:  chuckhughes2 [ Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

For 25 years I have been the guitarist/vocalist/songwriter for rockabilly trio. We derive income from gigs, publishing, streaming, and sync licensing.

Author:  dcben [ Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

Graphic artist for over 20yrs. Various versions of that to include print, web, video, 2d & 3d animation, and UI design.

Author:  Per Boysen [ Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

I've posted in this thread before but now I have a new job besides music, so I'll post about that. For a year and a half, I have been working together with Education First Corporate Solutions to teach Swedish at big enterprises like Volvo and Scania. I do this three 14 hour days a week and it is so fun! I typically sit for two hours, once a week, in a conference room with three foreign employees. People from China, India, UK, Germany... all over the place. They are big-wig engineers, programmers and IT specialists head-hunted to either immigrate or work on a project contract here (in Sweden) for some time. This new job replaces the street busking I used to do and my current musical focus is to produce recorded media music for licensing and to perform solo concert at churches and experimental festivals (two rather different repertoires).

Author:  glennfin [ Tue May 21, 2019 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

Retired one year ago this month. 45 years working in various fields of electronics. Last position before retirement i worked for a semiconductor manufacturer here in NC.

Author:  jpow112 [ Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

Besides playing Stick and Jazz Guitar i'm a doctor - general practitioner, life coach and hypnotherapist. Also do medicolegal work - too many jobs!

Author:  Alain [ Tue Jun 04, 2019 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

I'm also at the age to be retired and receiving a pension for almost 3 years now. This way I do have less pression to earn money with my music. But, I still play to get a bit more at the end of the month and enjoy life in many aspects.

Author:  Big George Waters [ Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

Right now, I am starting to finish up what started out over 32 years ago as a very exciting career in defense helicopter aviation but has since sadly become anything but due to a variety of reasons beyond my control.
Once I do leave this line of work and start an early retirement – I am hoping to expand into working with people involved with experimental film/music, as the idea of dabbling with soundtracks has been on my mind for quite some time now – many years in fact now that I think about it.

Author:  paigan0 [ Fri Jul 19, 2019 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

I thought I'd update on my own job: I'm still working as a civilian for the US Army (16 years now), but now instead of merely being a supervisor of technical writers, I now am the Branch Chief for all of Army Robotics, which is pretty f'ing cool, compared to doing tech manuals for water pumps and collapsible bridges. (Okay, the bridges were pretty cool, and fit on several trucks, and are built to snap together and be assembled like Transformer Legos pieces to make an instant bridge across water or a gap where a bridge used to be.)

But now I deal with little Wall-E robots and R2D2s. No Terminators or drones or anything with weapons, or that can fly. No searching for Sarah Conner (yet). But little box things with manipulator arms that you send into a hole instead of a live human, to see if there's bombs or bad guys in that hole, and to get blown up if either are present. Or use a manipulator arm with an infrared camera on it to push the OFF button clearly marked next to the bomb's digital timer, that conveniently lets the hero and the audience know how much time is left.

[If I made bombs and put timers on them for the users to see, I would have the bomb set so that it goes off at the 2-minute mark. "We only have two minutes and 4 seconds left to cut that wire!" "Plenty of time! Oh shi---"]

And I have a little side job now doing music video animation for bands and musicians who want some trippy/psychedelic visuals (usually fractal based) to go with their music. Since I'm not supporting myself on it, and I'd rather be animating my own music, I'm fairly picky on my customers and what I do, and I charge sometimes if I think they can afford it (music videos are extremely expensive, my friends, as most of you know who have had to get one done or participated in one), and sometimes I do it for free if I like the music or the bands. I did one for KRex and his bands, because the music was awesome and I had some scenes well suited to that music. I've done some EDM bands from Manchester and another from Norway, and a couple of internet collabs with musicians from all over.

Rocking it out with Robots down here in Fractal Rock!
--"I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle. And your Sticks."

Or "Come with me if you want to jam?" in a thick German accent.

Author:  bholder [ Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do you do for a living beside chapman stick

I code operating system virtualization in assembler. :o 8-)

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