Stick String Gauges
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Author:  paigan0 [ Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Stick String Gauges

I'd like to talk about Stick strings. First off, in terms of source, that's easy: get them from Stick Enterprises, and go with what they recommend. But when there are choices, I'd like to be informed as to the pros and cons.

We talk a lot about tunings and their various pros and cons, but what I'd like to know more about is string gauge: heavy versus medium versus light. I've always had medium strings on my 10-string Rosewood, and when I ordered the Railboard with light strings, Emmett and Cambria said that the medium strings sounded better on the Railboard. My medium Railboard strings sound awesome, but I have no idea what heavy or light strings would be like in comparison.

I'd like to know what the differences are in terms of:

1. Playability, easy of play. Is light "easier" than heavy or the other way around?

2. Tone. Does one type sound "better" but perhaps be more difficult to play?

3. Certain instruments are supposed to sound "better" with certain gauges. What gauge sounds best for the NS/Stick? (Which I've just ordered with heavy, because I saw somewhere that the heavy gauge was preferred for NS/Stick).

What string gauge do you use, for what Stick instrument and/or tuning, and why? :geek:


Author:  bachdois [ Fri Dec 09, 2016 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stick String Gauges

There must be a difference in sound but honestly, by the time I change them, the tone difference from old to new strings, makes it impossible for me to identify what part is due to the gauge change. The feel however is very clear: the lighter are more malleable, the heavy much harder. Say for instance you want to bend a note, the lighter are a lot easier and the bending goes higher on the pitch. I personally tend to use heavier, but that's due to the fact that I appreciate the feel of the strings, I like the resistance they put. Always been a string man myself, one who likes to "dig in" the sound and as such heavy gives me more pleasure, physically I mean... as for playability, I think it's the same, for me at least....

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Author:  paigan0 [ Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stick String Gauges

Thanks, Rodrigo! Lots to think about.

My fear is that getting the heavy gauge strings on the NS/Stick will make it more difficult to play, particularly on the higher strings. But it seems like it would make the popping and slapping sound "meatier," but I'd love to hear from an expert.

My only experience or preference with guitar string gauge is that I usually prefer a lighter gauge on my acoustic guitars, because it always seemed "easier" to play the lighter strings. I've never tried anything but medium on my Sticks.

Author:  john.e [ Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stick String Gauges

Opinions may vary on whether a gauge sounds better or is easier to play. Depends on the person, tuning, technique, etc. I'm not an expert, but I've gone through several tunings and tried all of the gauges over the years.

My two cents:

Lights are the Gumby gauge. They're lots of fun and "can do almost anything." Very easy to bend, almost too easy. Great for the classic wirey Stick tone (Elephant Talk). Harder to play in tune.

Heavies are great for the fat jazz guitar sound. For tone, they are my favorite. Harder to bend and slightly harder to tap. Easier to play in tune.

Mediums are the "can't go wrong" gauge. Well balanced for tone and playability. I use them for playability on my MR Stick even though I prefer the sound of heavies.

It's important to consider your particular tuning. For example, medium DBR is noticeably heavier than medium MR. They're both medium, but they feel and sound different because their individual gauges are different.

I considered ordering my DBR with heavies because I figured they'd sound better on a bass-oriented instrument. Glad I stuck with mediums, though, as they are plenty fat. I think heavies might be too much for DBR.

Which tuning are you getting on your NS? If it's all fourths, I'd start with mediums. They will be heavier than the mediums on your Sticks. If there's anything you don't like about them, you can go up or down from there.

Author:  paigan0 [ Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stick String Gauges

John! The well thought out and right-on-point answer I knew that someone here in Stickland would have. Thanks so very much!

I'll be getting straight bass 4ths tuning and I read somewhere that heavy was recommended but I didn't hear that directly from Stick. You say that the mediums will be heavier than the mediums I'm used to? Then I definitely want to go with the mediums over the heavies.

I was afraid that the heavies would be really heavy for the NS/Stick. I'd like to stay with medium, unless I hear a compelling reason to keep my order with heavies. It's easily adjusted at the early stage. I can always go heavier, later, right?

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