Hello and questions about string gauges
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Author:  Upow [ Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Hello and questions about string gauges

Hello everyone!

My name is Andrew, and I recently purchased my first stick, a ten string grand rosewood. This has been a dream of mine since 2006-2007 so I am very happy to finally be playing this instrument.

I’m happy to say even though I’ve only had the stick for 22 days, I have my first show coming up on the stick this weekend.

I want to be on the safe side and have some guitar and bass strings on hand in case I unfortunately break a string somehow before the show.

My question: what are the individual string gauges for medium gauge matched reciprocal tuning? That way I can have the correct gauges on hand just in case.

I am holding off on getting a set from Stick enterprises because I’d like to switch to heavy gauge after this show.

Thank you!!!

Author:  paigan0 [ Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello and questions about string gauges


Howdy and welcome! A couple of quick things:

1. No one ever breaks Stick strings. Well, I'm sure SOMEONE has, but it doesn't happen often, unless you're doing some weird tunings and over-tighten.

2. Buy a set from Stick Enterprises. They're different strings, and although technically possible to assemble your own set from 3rd-party sources, I wouldn't waste the time or effort. Just get 'em from SE. Keep your existing ones for spares in that rare emergency.

Good luck in your gig and your Stick journey! Break a leg (but probably not a string)!

Author:  rclere [ Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello and questions about string gauges

Greetings and welcome... Strings for the Stick are proprietary, buy them from SE. everyone has tried to match and use other strings, but they really don't work well. best of luck

Author:  Markussz [ Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello and questions about string gauges

I broke a string once, with an Alto stick. It was the highest string, which I had replaced with an even lighter gauge to get an alternate tuning.

That was the only string that broke on me.

I agree with the others. Only use SE strings. I buy at least 2 packs per order. If I break a string while putting the new ones on, I have a spare. Put the extra pack in your case.

Author:  Upow [ Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello and questions about string gauges

Thank you for your replies.

Yes, I figured it would be unlikely that I would break a string. However, in the event I did somehow I’d much rather have a resonable alternative to use, instead of missing a string entirely.

I know I have read a couple time that guitar/bass strings can be used, so I was just trying to come up with some numbers to work with, more for my peace of mind than anything. I even tried to measure with a digital micrometer but it was not fine enough to get an accurate reading. So if anyone has any info that would be greatly appreciated.

I do plan on getting a set of heavy gauge strings from SE after this show, however the stick I have is set up for medium gauge right now so I am sticking with that. Unfortunately I don’t have time before Saturday to get anything besides what I have available locally.

Author:  earthgene [ Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello and questions about string gauges

Upow, hey man welcome.

To start, you are a great planner. It is good to provision for a future unseen event. I applaud your vision.

However, I would echo Paigan0's advice. Unless you are actively seeking things to be concerned with prior to your first performance on an instrument you've had for 22 days, allow yourself the opportunity to move forward with your mission with this observed risk.

That being said - YOU are going to be great and WE, well, WE want pictures :D

Author:  john.e [ Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello and questions about string gauges

Below are the numbers for my MR Grand, medium gauge. Your 10-string lacks the 38 and the 10. Best thing is to keep a whole spare set with you, plus maybe an extra thin one. Make sure it's long. Guitar strings won't cut it. Also, I always carry a spare belt hook and tools.

MELODY: 09, 11, 13, 20, 28, 38

BASS: 118, 76, 48, 26, 14, 10

Author:  piratebruce [ Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello and questions about string gauges

Hi & good move about spares.
This has come up a few times over the years, its near impossible to get information about gauges ( guess that a commercial thing) unless you have a micrometer. I've heard of a couple of places that will assemble sets. Reality for me is that at around $100 for just a pack of strings landed in Australia, changing strings is a very expensive habit to have, so I keep them on longer than I should. Still, bending a lot I have never broken one yet. I'd buy them more frequently at lower cost but always have a full set with me. Have fun. :D

Author:  waltschwarzkopf [ Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello and questions about string gauges

For those of you interested in unraveling the mystery of string gauges for the different tuning, feel free to share what you have, and use what I have compiled so far, in this thread:

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